Dipashree Niraula Clarifies Relationship with Jitu Nepal Amid Rumors of Conflict


Kathmandu – Dipashree Niraula who is a film director and actor not long ago spoke out about her spat with an artist by the name of Jitu Nepal which was reported amongst festering rivalry between the ‘Chakka Panja 5’ and ‘Jway Saab’ film casts whose release date are same on Asoj 24.

Niraula pointed out that all competitive aspect of the industry should be and nothing ever vented towards any other person in fact is how the rivalry of movie industry should be “I can’t call Jitu bad. A few unhappy moments might indeed arise but because we have worked on many projects together, I would not allow any minute irritations to spoil the friendship,” she said while on location for ‘Comedy Darbar’.

Comedy Darbar

Demolition of claiees over spellancer services has escalated this craze among the audience and the media as well. This unfortunate predicament arose after Jitu made it clear that it was the ‘Chakka Panja’ team that he was not happy with in one of his last interviews and this opened avenues for assumptions by fans and the media concerning the productive relationships and bond between the crew producing both movies. On the contrary, she encouraged the admirers to treat the sight as a competition rather than as a warfare.

“As a creative persons, we all have an element of competitiveness but that should not place us in fighting positions with one another. I am looking forward to both films and I don’t see why we cannot help one another in this business,” she concluded.

As the release dates come near both teams seem to be more occupied with their respective promotions except Niraula’s comments
