Kathmandu, Nepal — The premiere of the highly anticipated Nepali movie Bom Bahadur took place...
Kathmandu, Nepal — A new Nepali movie titled ‘Soltini’ has been officially announced, sparking excitement...
Kathmandu — The highly anticipated Nepali film ‘Satya Bir’ has officially entered production, as announced...
The production of the highly anticipated Nepali film ‘Dorii” has been officially announced, promising a...
Kathmandu – The much-anticipated grand finale of the Model Superstar 2024 fashion show took place...
Kathmandu – The grand finale of Miss and Mrs. Universal 2024, a beauty contest between...
Kathmandu – Dipashree Niraula who is a film director and actor not long ago spoke...
Kathmandu – Three new posters of the Nepali movie ‘Aktor: Take One’ have been released...