The trend of celebrities becoming sannyasis


Kathmandu – Actresses Shilpa Pokharel, Keki Adhikari, Benisha Hamal, Shobhita Simkhada, singer Alina Chauhan, Benisha Hamal, and several other celebrities have also visited Tapoban and become Osho sannyasis.

Recently, the interest of many artists and politicians in spirituality has been increasing. More notably, celebrities are becoming Osho sannyasis after their divorces. A prime example of this is actress Shilpa Pokharel. Shortly after her divorce from Chhabi Raj Ojha, her photos and videos of becoming an Osho sannyasi went viral.

Similarly, singer Alina Chauhan had previously visited Tapoban and expressed her inclination towards Osho. Likewise, actress Namrata Sapkota is also an Osho sannyasi. She became a sannyasi three years ago and remains in the spotlight for stating that she has no desire to get married but wishes to become a single mother.

Shilpa Pokharel